Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Dealing With The Lack Of Sleep During Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an awesome time for everyone in the family. Even before the birth of your child, you are going to be making some drastic changes to your life. Getting a hold of these tips and learning how to deal with issues is going to help you.

In order to avoid having trouble falling to sleep while you are pregnant, establish a nightly routine to prepare for bedtime. When you are consistent with your routine of going to sleep, then your body naturally knows when it's time to go to bed. This routine should include sleep-promoting activities such as reading, a hot shower, and shoulder massages.

Talk to your doctor before you plan any traveling, while pregnant. Bring prenatal medical records with you, however, just in case anything should happen.

When you are going to get any type of testing done, make sure to let the doctor know that you are expecting a child. Many chemicals and processes that you come in contact with while you are pregnant can cause adverse harm to the child or complications with your pregnancy.

It is a good idea to receive a flu shot while pregnant. Your immune system isn't as strong when pregnant, so you may get the flu easier. This could be harmful to you and the baby.

Keep exercising, even after your pregnancy is over and you have your baby. Pay attention to how you feel and take it slow, but keep active as much as you can. Staying fit after birth, will help you to recover faster from the effects of the pregnancy and labor.

Plan out your meals for the day in order to avoid snacking on items that aren't good for you. Pregnancy is full of cravings and if we aren't planning out our meals we can end up eating nothing but unhealthy snacks all day. Make sure to keep healthy snacks with you all day like carrot sticks and whole-grain crackers.

Eat fish throughout the course of your pregnancy! Studies have shown that the children of women who ate fish while they were pregnant are smarter, communicate better and have better motor skills than other children. It is important to talk to your doctor about which type of fish to eat; you want to avoid those with mercury, including Swordfish, Shark and King Mackerel.

Start a journal or a pregnancy blog and post this online. Sharing your experiences can be very beneficial as the people who are reading your blog can offer you advice that is unique to your stage in pregnancy. Also, this will give you documentation of how you felt during each step of the process.

Don't go near the cat litter box when you are pregnant! Cat feces can contain a parasitic disease called toxoplasmosis that can cause damage to unborn children. One of the most important things you can do to protect your baby's health is avoid handling cat litter.

Shortness of breath is common as women progress in their pregnancy. The baby grows and compresses the diaphragm, so there is less room to breathe. To help with this do some pelvic tilts and light stretching. Also, sleeping sitting up works well for some women as it relieves some of the pressure and allows them to breathe more freely.

To help prevent substantial weight gain during pregnancy, make sure that you eat breakfast. Missing this early meal often means that you will eat more later in the day, contributing to additional weight gain. In addition, your unborn child needs the nutrients from breakfast since a substantial amount of time has passed since your last meal.

If you do not care for your gynecologist, now is a good time to switch. Your doctor is not only responsible for your health, but also for that of your unborn child, so it is vital that you have the utmost faith in your doctor. You have every right to shop around for a doctor that you trust.

Open the windows when decorating or painting the nursery. Creating a space for your baby is a joyful process, but paint or wallpaper fumes can be dangerous. Do your home decorating on a day when you can keep fresh air flowing. If you are doing significant renovations or repairs, have others do the remodel to limit your exposure to chemicals and fumes.

To avoid pain while sleeping, do a set of stretches prior to getting in bed. Leg cramps, especially at night, are a common problem during pregnancy and are due to the additional strain on your muscles. Having a good stretch before you climb into bed will provide your muscles with great relaxation and thus, you will not be prone to cramps in the wee hours of the morning. This also helps your quality of sleep!

There are certain foods that you should not eat when you're pregnant because they could harm your baby. Do not eat soft cheese, unpasteurized milk, or raw seafood.

Weight gain is inevitable for most women during pregnancy. Women of average weight will need to gain between 25 to 35 pounds, while women carrying twins will gain from 35 to 45 pounds. If you start out overweight do not try to diet during your pregnancy. Talk with your doctor to develop a healthy eating plan to ensure both you and your baby get all of the nutrients you each need.

You should avoid illegal drugs and all narcotic medications while pregnant. They can impact the health of your unborn baby hugely and in a bad way. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking while pregnant. This will ensure your baby is born healthy and you also stay healthy while pregnant.

Preparing yourself is a a great way to ready yourself for the upcoming birth. Your pregnancy will be a lot easier if you educate yourself about what is going on and if you take the time to prepare yourself to becoming a mother. Learn all you can so the next 40 weeks will be enjoyable.

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