Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to Take a Target Pregnancy Test

Target sells 2 varieties of store brand home pregnancy tests, both of which are non-digital. When you're ready to test, first check the date on the bottom of the box to make sure the test haven't expired. If you're all set, open the box and remove one of the tests from its packaging. Remove the cap to expose the stick's absorbent tip. If you're using the regular One-Step Pregnancy Test, hold the stick by its thumb grip and place the tip pointing downward in your urine stream for at least 10 seconds, or collect a sample of your urine in a clean dry container and dip the test stick in it for at least 10 seconds.

If you're using the Early Result Pregnancy Test, place it in your urine stream for 5seconds or in a cup for 20 seconds. Place the stick on a flat surface with the result window facing up. Wait 2 minutes before checking the results of the Early Result Pregnancy Test and at least 3 before checking the One-Step Pregnancy Test. No matter which one you use, read the result within 10 minutes of taking it. Regardless of the result, both tests will show a single vertical line in the smaller control window. If they don't, the test didn't work.

The second brown window of the Early Result Pregnancy Test will show nothing if the test is negative. If it's positive, you'll see a single vertical line. It doesn't matter how faint or dark the line is. If one is present, you're pregnant. The One-Step Pregnancy Test will show a single horizontal line if the test is negative. If it's positive, you'll see 2 lines that intersect to form a plus sign. Again, the shade of the lines doesn't matter.

More Article : How to Take a Walmart Pregnancy Test

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